Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志投稿须知:Title Page:The title page should contain: Title, Authors, Affiliations,Acknowledgement, and Footnotes supplying: Correspondentauthor‘s information including: the full name, complete mailing address, telephone and fax number, and, if available, e-mail address; Job titles of all authors; and The name(s) of sponsor(s) of the research contained in the paper, along with grant number(s), if any.General: The manuscript should be provided in single-spaced typing Time New Roman, 10.5 pt., on A4 size pages in electronic format using Microsoft Word. It must be written in English and should not exceed 13,000 word-equivalents. (A journal page contains approximately 1,300 words.) Technical notes should not exceed 4,000 word-equivalents. If it is necessary to include additional information, such as appendices, these should be submitted electronically for inclusion on a web site for the journal.Abstracts: Each paper should include an Abstract of 150-200 words, reporting concisely on the purpose of the work, the scope of the effort, the procedures used to execute the work (if of special interest), the major findings, and a list of three to eight keywords. The abstract must be self-contained, and it must not require reference to the paper to be understood.Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Appendix, References, Vitage, Figures (including captions) and then Tables. Footnotes are to be avoided (except for table footnotes). Please complete text minus the title page, acknowledgment, and any running headers with author names, to allow blinded review.Units: The SI system is to be used throughout; if it is necessary to use other units, these should be added in parentheses.ReferencesReferences should appear within the text as the author name(s) followed by the year of publication in parentheses. A list of all references must be given at the end of the text in alphabetical order by last name of first author. Make sure the reference information is complete and accurate, including as necessary and in the following order: last names and initials of all authors; year of publication; title of paper, report or book chapter (in quotes); title of book or periodical (in italic); volume and issue numbers; name and location of publisher (for books), name and location of publisher or sponsor for proceedings), or city of publication (for non-U.S. journals); and inclusive page numbers. The references should be listed in the following style:Liu Huixian and Zhang Zaiyong (1980), “Lessons Learned from the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake,” Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. IX, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.453– 460.Huo Linsheng and Li Hongnan (2004), “Torsionally Coupled Response Control of Offshore Platform Structures Using Circular Tuned Liquid Column Dampers,” China Ocean Engineering, 18(2):173–183. (in Chinese)Newmark NM and Rosenblueth E (1971), Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration数据分析
邴*** :
2024-02-25 19:16:25
即墨*** :
2023-10-20 23:04:29
邹*** :
2023-07-24 09:14:54
轩辕*** :
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,编辑联系时态度很好,即使投稿人为学生,也会很客气。确认录取后,能帮助出具出录用证明等,这对学生找工作,达到毕业条件等有时候很有用。
2023-03-08 23:53:43
双*** :
杂志正规,编辑负责,初审,第一轮外审都快,但修回后,又继续外审,然后又修,又继续复审。过程中有一点大赞,审稿意见全部给作者,无论好的,坏的,公正,公开。 编辑比较负责,及时更正文章状态,三个字,没催过。
2023-03-07 10:01:24
宰父*** :
2022-01-07 20:14:44
朱*** :
2021-12-03 19:39:45
米*** :
非常不错的期刊,2月中旬投稿的,4月初给初审结果,经过修改与二审之后,5月24号,网上显示录用。希望Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志越办越好!推荐大家来投稿!真心很好!
2021-03-22 04:10:00
东宫*** :
前天下午投稿,昨天中午收到拒稿信,个人估计是因为论文是一个本科学生写的,编辑给出的退稿原因是:本文不适合本刊,退稿. 建议改投他刊. 感觉编辑的效率奇高,估计没有送审,编辑直接拒稿了。总体来说是个不错的期刊。
2020-12-09 02:31:43
湛*** :
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration审稿相对来说挺快的,5月10日投稿成功,19日通知已收稿且送外审,审稿意见下来后修改后录用,另外中间有点小问题跟编辑打过一次电话,感觉态度挺好的,建议可以去投下。
2020-11-13 23:22:23